Upcoming Courses & Programs

    • 24 Mar 2025
    • 27 Mar 2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Online, you will receive a link and instructions

    Practical Application of
    GO-95 and GO-128

    MARCH 24-27, 2025 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM PACIFIC

    Collaborative Learning, Inc. in cooperation with NCPA and the Association for Utility Line Design Professionals, is offering an e‐learning program that you will not want to miss! This program will be presented in four (4) “live” half‐day sessions. All sessions incorporate high‐quality presentations by qualified instructors with Q&A and other opportunities for group interaction.

    Participants completing this program will receive fourteen (14) Professional Development Hours (PDH).

    The State of California has established legislation and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has issued General Order (G.O.) 95 Rules for Overhead Line Construction and General Order (G.O.) 128 Rules for Underground Line Construction. California’s public and private electric utilities are required to comply with these general orders. Engineers and designers, as well as operation and maintenance employees of utilities and their contractors are expected to understand and properly apply these rules.


       R. John Miner              Tom Black            Erich Schoennagel

    Program developers and instructors R. John Miner, P.E., Tom Black, P.E. and Erich Schoennagel, P.E. have over 120 years of combined experience in the electric utility industry, including extensive experience in the design and construction of overhead and underground lines. They are offering this new program as a cost-effective and convenient opportunity for you to become familiar with or refresh and update your knowledge of G.O. 95 and G.O 128.

    This program is applications‐oriented, including high‐quality presentations Q&A, group interaction, and opportunities to check what you have learned.

    This workshop has value for those who work at all levels of overhead distribution line design and should be attended by:
        • Engineering managers
        • Design/staking technicians
        • Design engineers
        • Resident engineers
        • Design/staking supervisors
        • Consulting engineers

    This program will be presented in six (6) “live” half-day sessions. Following each session, participants are expected to work independently on exercises related to the topics presented. The planned schedule for each daily session is as follows, subject to some variation based on the level of participant engagement that impacts the pace of presentation. (Pacific Time).

    08:45 a.m. to 09:00 a.m.    Platform up and running
                                               for participant log-in
    09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.    Session
    10:00 a.m. to 10:10 a.m.    Break
    10:10 a.m. to 11:20 a.m.    Session
    11:20 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.    Break
    11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.    Session

    Session 1: GO‐95 Part 1- March 24

        • Introduction and Overview
        • Section I: General Provisions
        • Section II: Definition of Terms
        • Section III: Requirements for All Lines
    Session 2: GO‐95 Part 2- March 25
        • Section III: Requirements for All Lines (Continued)
        • Section IV: Strength Requirements for all Classes of Lines
    Session 3: GO‐95 Part 3- March 26
        • Section V: Detailed Construction Requirements for Supply Lines
        • Section IX: Joint Poles or Poles Jointly Used IX‐1
        • Selected Topics and Compliance Issues
    Session 4: GO‐128- March 27
        • Introduction & Overview
        • Section I: General Provisions
        • Section II: Definition of Terms
        • Section III: Requirements for Supply Systems.

    $1,200 for Academy Members and CL contacts.
    A discount of $100 per person for any organization that registers three (3) or more people. Each participant from a participating organization is required to be a paid registrant. No group viewing is permitted unless all participants are registered.

    Registration deadline is March 14, 2025.
    Cancellations are accepted if request is made at least 10 days prior to start of the course. Within 1-10 days or "no show", the full registration fee will be charged. When possible, please send a substitute instead of cancelling.

    We do not charge a fee for substitutions. For assistance contact Jillian.Wolfe@cl-cu.com.

    • 5 May 2025
    • 7 May 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • APPA Spring Institute, Orlando, FL



    Distribution Systems

    Mon. May 5 through Wed. May 7, 2025
    8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Eastern


    Save $200 by bundling both underground courses!

    Learning Environment 

    This course is group-live offering and includes lecture style teaching, case studies, whole class and small group discussion and sharing, quizzes, practical application problems and exercises, as well as Q&A sessions. Earn 19.5 PDH credits, 29.0 if you take the series.

    Location and Timing

    Hyatt Regency Orlando Hotel
    9801 International Drive
    Orlando, FL 32819

    Monday, May 5 – Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 8:30 Am to 4:30 PM.

    For those looking for more comprehensive training, it is highly recommended that you attend this course in conjunction with 
    Advanced Underground Distribution Systems 
    (May 8-9, 2025). 
    $200 discount for attending both courses. 

    Course Overview

    In this comprehensive course, learn all about the effective planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of underground electric distribution systems. Review critical factors involved in the conversion of overhead systems to underground. Discuss operations, safety and regulatory requirements, and hear from an industry cable application engineer about underground cable reliability, failure modes, and testing methods.

    Course Topics

    • Introduction to underground distribution
    • Underground policies and customer service terms/conditions
    • Planning and design
    • Cable design and application
    • Cable failure and testing
    • Cable accessories: design, installation and operation 
    • Cable installation
    • Underground transformers 
    • Basic underground protection and reliability considerations
    • Underground safety and operations
    • Inspection and maintenance

    Recommended for

    Designed for electric utility engineers, designers, technicians, and field personnel who are responsible for, or who make decisions concerning, distribution systems, as well as those involved in the management, construction, and operations aspects of distribution systems.

    This course is conducted at a practical level and is appropriate for degreed engineers and engineering technicians, as well as non-degreed high school graduates with a general knowledge of the electric utility system.

    Course Level

    : No prerequisites; no advance preparation. It is highly recommended to attend this course in conjunction with the Advanced Underground Distribution Systems course.

    All materials will be handed out on-site in the classroom. Participants will receive an email one week in advance of the course with logistical information. 


      The following continuing education credits will be provided, after successfully completing 90% of all six live sessions. Certificates will be available by June 6. These sessions will be recorded, though certificates can only be awarded to those who participate in the live events.
      Recommended CEUs 2 / PDHs 19.5
      For Series BUNDLE CEUs 3 / PDHs 29.0

      What to Bring

      • Required: a scientific calculator or smart phone calculator app.
      • Required: a print copy (or have access to a digital copy) of the 
        2023 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) during class.

      • Encouraged: interesting underground distribution photos, as well as underground distribution design guides and standards to share.


      • 24 hours after registering: You’ll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of registering, which contains some preliminary information.
      • 24 hours before: You’ll receive your Zoom log in links the day before the first session in a course (sent from the APPA Academy’s Zoom account <no-reply@zoom.us>)  
        You’ll also receive a final logistics email 24 hours in advance of the first class. 
        If you don’t receive this, email EducationInfo@PublicPower.org


      Lead Instructor R. John Miner, P.E., is an accomplished executive manager and educator with over 45 years of experience in the electric utility industry. He is president of Collaborative Learning, Inc., of Austin and San Antonio, Texas and has been an APPA instructor for more than 30 years and an instructor for the University of Wisconsin for 20 years. Before forming his own company, he worked for the Austin, Texas, Electric Utility Department, Rochester Public Utilities in Minnesota, and as an assistant professor for the University of Houston. John earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering (with honors), and a Master of Science degree in engineering science, both from the University of Toledo.  John is a Senior Life Member of the IEEE and is a registered Professional Engineer in the states of Texas and Minnesota. 

      M. Thomas Black, P.E., is an accomplished executive manager, consultant and course instructor with more than 30 years of experience in the electric and gas utility industries. In addition to working with Collaborative Learning, Tom’s experience includes employment with both municipal and investor owned utilities across multiple jurisdictions in Colorado, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. He teaches a variety of courses on technical topics and also has extensive executive level experience in managing electric and gas utility systems, including serving as chief energy officer and energy delivery general manager. Tom has also served on the boards of RMEL and the Colorado Association of Municipal Utilities and is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

      Erich Schoennagel, P.E., has cultivated over 45 years of experience in the electric industry. He is a former manager and engineer with CenterPoint Energy and managed the Transmission Project Engineering group. Erich served for 15 years as a member advisor and chairman of the Underground Transmission Task Force for the Electric Power Research Institute until his retirement from CenterPoint Energy. There he directed research related to underground transmission and superconductivity. He was a board member of the annual TSDOS symposium, and a former member of the American Concrete Institute 336 committee related to foundation design and construction.


       Bird through April 4: After April 4:

      Non-members     $3,590               $3,790 

      Members*           $1,795               $1,895

      *Must register through APPA and use code CL2025

      Underground Bundle – Save $200!
      Early Bird through April 4: After April 4:

      Non-members     $5,180               $5,380 

      Members*           $2,590                $2,790
      *Must register through APPA and use code CL2025

      Group Discounts:

      Save $50 per person with a group of 5-9, $100 per person for 10-14, $150 per person for 15 or more. The more in your group, the greater the discount!



      • 8 May 2025
      • 8:30 AM
      • 9 May 2025
      • 4:30 PM
      • APPA Spring Institute, Orlando, FL


      Advanced Underground

      Distribution Systems

      Thu. May 8,  8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
      Fri. May 9, 8:00 AM - Noon

      Save $200 by bundling both underground courses!

      Learning Environment

      This course is group-live offering and includes lecture style teaching, case studies, whole class and small group discussion and sharing, quizzes, practical application problems and exercises, as well as Q&A sessions. 
      Recommended CEUs 1/PDHs 9.5 

      Location and Timing

      Hyatt Regency Orlando Hotel
      9801 International Drive
      Orlando, FL 32819
      Thursday, May 8 – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

      Friday, May 9, 2025, 8:00 AM to Noon 

      For those looking for more comprehensive training, it is highly recommended that you attend this course in conjunction with 
      Underground Distribution Systems - Series Part 1 
      (May 6-8, 2025). 
      $200 discount for attending both courses. 

      Course Overview

      Underground distribution continues to be the installation method of choice in many applications on public power systems. Although the initial installation cost of underground distribution is almost always greater than equivalent overhead distribution, it offers a wide range of advantages including greater operating reliability, lower operating and maintenance costs, better public safety and, of course, reduced visibility and greater public acceptance. 

      Learn how to improve your utility’s policies, standards, and practices for planning, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining underground distribution and hear about current and emerging industry trends.

      Course Topics

      Ensuring long-life cable installations

      • A deeper dive into cable design, types, and properties
      • Cable manufacturing, standards, and specifications
      • Cable life extension methods

      Civil engineering considerations in underground distribution

      • Underground structure types and functions
      • Routing considerations for underground lines in an urban setting
      • Route survey elements and procedures
      • Engineering testing
      •  Installation of cable in underground structures
      Distribution system planning and capital improvements
      • Key drivers for underground performance improvement
      • System improvement goals
      • Strategic system planning
      • Improving underground distribution design criteria and standards
      • Prioritizing capital investments 

      Professional practice in utility underground line design

      • Risk exposures and management strategies
      • Legal and regulatory environment for utilities and engineers
      • The underground line design process

        Recommended for

        Designed for electric utility engineers, designers, technicians, and field personnel who are responsible for, or who make decisions concerning, distribution systems, as well as those involved in the management, construction, and operations aspects of distribution systems.

        This course is conducted at a practical level and is appropriate for degreed engineers and engineering technicians, as well as non-degreed high school graduates with a general knowledge of the electric utility system.

        Course Level

        Intermediate: No prerequisites; no advance preparation. Some knowledge of underground distribution systems is helpful.

        All materials will be handed out on-site in the classroom. Participants will receive an email one week in advance of the course with logistical information. 


          The following continuing education credits will be provided, after successfully completing 90% of all six live sessions. Certificates will be available by June 6. These sessions will be recorded, though certificates can only be awarded to those who participate in the live events.
          Recommended CEUs 1 / PDHs 9.5
          For Series BUNDLE CEUs 3 / PDHs 29.0

          What to Bring

          • Required: a scientific calculator or smart phone calculator app.
          • Required: a print copy (or have access to a digital copy) of the 
            2023 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) during class.

          • Encouraged: interesting underground distribution photos, as well as underground distribution design guides and standards to share.


          • 24 hours after registering: You’ll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of registering, which contains some preliminary information.
          • 24 hours before: You’ll receive your Zoom log in links the day before the first session in a course (sent from the APPA Academy’s Zoom account <no-reply@zoom.us>)  
            You’ll also receive a final logistics email 24 hours in advance of the first class. 
            If you don’t receive this, email EducationInfo@PublicPower.org


          Lead Instructor R. John Miner, P.E., is an accomplished executive manager and educator with over 45 years of experience in the electric utility industry. He is president of Collaborative Learning, Inc., of Austin and San Antonio, Texas and has been an APPA instructor for more than 30 years and an instructor for the University of Wisconsin for 20 years. Before forming his own company, he worked for the Austin, Texas, Electric Utility Department, Rochester Public Utilities in Minnesota, and as an assistant professor for the University of Houston. John earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering (with honors), and a Master of Science degree in engineering science, both from the University of Toledo.  John is a Senior Life Member of the IEEE and is a registered Professional Engineer in the states of Texas and Minnesota. 

          M. Thomas Black, P.E., is an accomplished executive manager, consultant and course instructor with more than 30 years of experience in the electric and gas utility industries. In addition to working with Collaborative Learning, Tom’s experience includes employment with both municipal and investor owned utilities across multiple jurisdictions in Colorado, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. He teaches a variety of courses on technical topics and also has extensive executive level experience in managing electric and gas utility systems, including serving as chief energy officer and energy delivery general manager. Tom has also served on the boards of RMEL and the Colorado Association of Municipal Utilities and is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

          Erich Schoennagel, P.E., has cultivated over 45 years of experience in the electric industry. He is a former manager and engineer with CenterPoint Energy and managed the Transmission Project Engineering group. Erich served for 15 years as a member advisor and chairman of the Underground Transmission Task Force for the Electric Power Research Institute until his retirement from CenterPoint Energy. There he directed research related to underground transmission and superconductivity. He was a board member of the annual TSDOS symposium, and a former member of the American Concrete Institute 336 committee related to foundation design and construction.


           Bird through April 4: After April 4:

          Non-members    $1,990               $2,190 

          Members*           $  995                $1,095

          *Must register through APPA and use code CL2025

          Underground Bundle – Save $200!
          Early Bird through April 4: After April 4:

          Non-members     $5,180               $5,380
          Members*           $2,590                $2,790
          *Must register through APPA and use code CL2025

          Group Discounts:

          Save $50 per person with a group of 5-9, $100 per person for 10-14, $150 per person for 15 or more. The more in your group, the greater the discount!

          REGISTER NOW!


          • 9 Sep 2025
          • 18 Sep 2025
          • 6 sessions
          • Online, you will receive a link and instructions

          G.O. 95 and NESC Compliant
          Overhead Distribution Line Design 
          Online Training Program

          September 9-11, 16-18, 2025
          9:00 am to 12:30 pm (Pacific) each day

          The State of California has established legislation and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has issued General Order (G.O.) 95 Rules for Overhead Line Construction and General Order (G.O.) 128 Rules for Underground Line Construction. California’s public and private electric utilities are required to comply with these general orders. Engineers and designers, as well as operation and maintenance employees of utilities and their contractors are expected to understand and properly apply these rules.

          Participants will receive copies of the presentation materials in advance, allowing you to work with them before, during and after the online sessions. The scheduled online sessions will also be recorded and available for a period of thirty days, enabling participants to work around any scheduling conflicts.

          This program is applications‐oriented, including 
          group interaction, high‐quality presentations, Q&A, and opportunities to check all that you have learned.

          This workshop has value for those who work at all levels of overhead distribution line design and should be attended by:
              • Engineering managers
              • Design/staking technicians
              • Design engineers
              • Resident engineers
              • Design/staking supervisors
              • Consulting engineers

          This program will be presented in six (6) “live” half-day sessions. Following each session, participants are expected to work independently on exercises related to the topics presented. The planned schedule for each daily session is as follows, subject to some variation based on the level of participant engagement that impacts the pace of presentation. (All times are Pacific Time).

          08:45 a.m. to 09:00 a.m.    Platform up and running
                                                     for participant log-in
          09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.    Session
          10:00 a.m. to 10:10 a.m.    Break
          10:20 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.    Session
          11:30 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.    Break
          11:40 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.    Session

          Session I  –  Sept. 9

          Overhead Line Design
          Accountabilities and Process

          • Overhead line design risks, risk management and protocols
          • NESC overview and application
          • G.O. 95 overview and application
          • NESC general requirements for overhead lines
          • G.O. 95 general requirements for overhead lines
          • Other considerations in overhead line design

          Session II  –  Sept. 10

          Overhead Line Conductor/Cable
          Sag and Tension

          • NESC and G.O. 95 requirements for maximum conductor/cable sag determination
          • NESC and G.O. 95, and practical requirements for maximum conductor/cable design tension
          • Conductor/cable sag and tension calculations
          • Conductor/cable sag-tension software
          • Application examples and assigned exercises

          Session III  –  Sept. 11

          Overhead Line Clearance Requirements (NESC and G.O. 95)

          • Clearances to ground and water surfaces
          • Clearances to buildings and other structures
          • Clearances between conductors, cables and equipment
          • Clearance application examples and assigned exercises

          Session IV  –  Sept. 16

          Overhead Line Structure Loading
          and Strength (Part 1)

          • Types and functions of supporting structures
          • NESC and G.O. 95 requirements for supporting structure design (loading conditions and strength requirements)
          • Determination of mechanical forces supporting structures
          • Supporting structure loading application examples and assigned exercises

          Session V  –  Sept. 17

          Overhead Line Structure Loading
          and Strength (Part 2)

          • Overhead line guying and anchoring design considerations
          • Wood poles (types, treatments, dimensions, strength, classes and specifications)
          • Manufactured poles (types, characteristics, NESC equivalent designs, and specifications
          • Pole embedment designs
          • Supporting structure loading application examples and assigned exercises

          Session VI  –  Sept. 18

          Putting it all together

          • Joint use overhead line design considerations
          • Examples and exercises in overhead line design scenarios


             R. John Miner              Tom Black            Erich Schoennagel

          Program developers and instructors R. John Miner, P.E., Tom Black, P.E. and Erich Schoennagel, P.E. have over 120 years of combined experience in the electric utility industry, including extensive experience in the design and construction of overhead and underground lines. They are offering this new program as a cost-effective and convenient opportunity for you to become familiar with or refresh and update your knowledge of G.O. 95 and G.O 128.

          R. John Miner, P.E. is an accomplished executive manager and educator with over 45 years of experience in the electric utility industry. He is president of Collaborative Learning, Inc. of Austin and San Antonio, Texas, a firm that presents management and technical education programs and, through Collaboration Unlimited, provides management consulting services to the electric utility industry. John’s technical seminars and workshops for utilities have covered such topics as application of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), overhead and underground distribution systems, electric system planning, construction, operations, and maintenance. John earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering (with honors), and a Master of Science degree in engineering science, both from the University of Toledo. John is a Senior Life Member of the IEEE and is a registered Professional Engineer in the states of Texas and Minnesota.

          Tom Black, P.E. is an accomplished engineer and executive manager who works with Collaborative Learning as a technical consultant and continuing education program developer and instructor. Tom has more than 35 years of experience in the electric and gas utility industries including employment with both municipal and Investor-owned utilities. Tom teaches courses on such topics as electrical distribution principles, overhead and underground distribution systems, the NESC, electric system planning, construction, operations, and maintenance. Tom earned his Bachelor’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis (with honors) and is a registered professional engineer in the states of Colorado and Arizona. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

          Erich Schoennagel, P.E. is an accomplished engineer and manager who works with Collaborative Learning as a technical consultant and continuing education program developer and instructor. Erich began his utility career more than 40 years ago and most recently managed the Transmission Project Engineering group for a large investor-owned utility, which served the company’s needs for transmission system design, substation and telecom site improvement, and civil engineering for transmission, substation, distribution, and telecom structures. Erich has extensive experience in the application of engineering principles and NESC requirements to the design of utility structures and foundations. Erich received his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&amp;M University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Texas.

          Register by August 29, 2025:

          Individual Cost - $1,850 for Academy members and CL contacts

          Group of 3 or more - $1,750 per person 

          Cancellations are accepted if request is made at least 10 days prior to start of the course. Within 1-10 days or "no show", the full registration fee will be charged. When possible, please send a substitute instead of cancelling. 

          We do not charge a fee for substitutions.
          For assistance contact Jillian.Wolfe@cl-cu.com.

        Following is a selected sample of continuing education program titles and topics that Collaborative Learning (CL) has presented for a wide range of clients in the electric utility industry. While some of the programs are “standard offerings”, CL is prepared to offer this content in online live, online on-demand, and in-person formats and with various combinations of topics to best suit the needs of our clients.

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