Courses for Utility Organizations

Collaborative Learning
is prepared to deliver seminars and short courses on a wide range of topics that are relevant to Public Power utilities and to utility organizations in general. These programs can be offered with standard or customized content and in standard or customized modules to best fit an organization's needs and available resources. Many of the programs are readily adaptable to delivery through Internet webinars and other distance learning methods.

Education Programs for Executive Management & Governing Boards

ACCESS Leadership Academy
Leadership Development for Governing Board Members and Executives

Governing with Excellence
Effective Policy Leadership for Public Power Governing Boards

The Electric Utility Industry from the Inside Out
An Overview of Electric Utility Infrastructures, Technical Operations & Business Management with Consideration of Strategic Trends and Their Implications for electric utilities.

Taking Care of Business –Your Utility Infrastructure
This seminar presents a case for diligent attention to and investment in the utility infrastructure, with particular focus on the distribution system.  As the bread and butter of all retail electric utilities, the distribution system is essential to business success.

Strategic Business Planning
for Utility Leaders

Process Design and Facilitation ~ Linking Strategic and Business Plan Elements ~ Communication and Consensus-Building ~ Effective Implementation

The Strategically Focused Organization
Aligning Structure, Culture and Accountability with
Strategic Direction and 
Performance Imperatives

Performance Management and
Benchmarking for Utilities

Selection, Definition, Reporting, Analysis, and
Peer Comparison of Critical 
Performance Measures

Organization and Workforce Planning for Utilities

Understanding and proactively addressing organization and workforce issues through succession planning, talent assessment and leader development, knowledge retention and transfer, training and development, recruiting and retention, and creating a “preferred employer” culture

Values-Based Leadership
Showing Utility Leaders how to ‘Walk the Talk’ with Core Values

New Tools for Decision-Making
in Challenging Times

Using Systems Thinking and Other Tools to
Analyze Complex Problems and 
Difficult Decisions

Meeting Leadership and Facilitation Skills
How to Have Fewer Meetings, Shorter Meetings, and Meetings that Get Things Done

Education Programs for Management & Technical Professionals

ACCESS Leadership AcademyLeadership Development for Middle Managers, Professionals and Frontline Supervisors

Effective Management of Electric Field Operations

Improving Employee Productivity, Work Scheduling and Execution, Customer Relations, Safety/Risk Management, Employee Relations, and Organizational Leadership

Outstanding Customer Relations
for Utility Operating Personnel

Improving Customer Relations in the Field

Effective Crew Supervision in Utility Operations
 Building and Sustaining High Performance Crews

Principles of Project Management
Policies, Procedures, and Best Practices that Support Successful Outcomes

Leadership and Facilitation of Internal Project Teams 
Creating and Sustaining Effective Internal Project Teams

Communicating Effectively with Governing Boards, Customers, Regulators, and other Stakeholders
Avoiding “Tech-Speak”:  Conveying Technical Information to Non-Technical Audiences

Stakeholder Engagement in Capital Projects
Building Support through Effective Two-Way Communication

Business and Professional Ethics
in the Real World of Utility Professionals

Character in the Workplace that Builds Integrity and Trust

Performance Improvement Tools and Techniques
Understanding the history and basic concepts of continuous improvement and how to use simple tools and methods to analyze and resolve organizational bottlenecks.

Education Programs for Engineering
& Operations Professionals

Electrical Distribution Fundamentals and Practices

Electric aspects of utility distribution system planning, design, and operation, including principles and practices required to perform commonly encountered alternating current circuit calculations and to apply commonly used electrical distribution components and equipment. Note: This course can be designed to include hands-on use of affordable electrical distribution system analysis software in a classroom setting.

The 2023 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
Practical Application of the NESC for Engineers and/or
Practical Application of the NESC for Field Employees

Effective Field Application of the National
Electrical Safety Code (NESC)

Recognition and Correction of Hazardous Defects and Conditions on Electric Distribution Systems.

Overhead Electrical Distribution 
Planning, Constructing and Operating Overhead Line Structures, Conductors, and
Equipment. Note: These courses can be designed to include hands-on use of affordable pole loading analysis software in a classroom setting.

Underground Electrical Distribution
Planning, Constructing and Operating Underground Line Structures, Cables, and 

Electrical Distribution Economics

Overview of engineering economics and application to energy loss analysis, comparison of distribution investment alternatives, customer cost contributions and other situations commonly encountered by distribution designers for both overhead and underground facilities.

Maintenance of High Voltage Electrical Distribution Systems

Principles and Practices of Maintenance Management for Electrical Distribution Systems

High Voltage Electrical Safety 
Safety Principles and Practices in the Design, Construction, Operation & Maintenance of Distribution Systems (Incorporating NESC, OSHA, APPA Safety Manual, and other resources.) 

Reliability in Electric Utility Distribution Systems
Measuring and Improving Distribution Reliability

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